Wellness is in the Balance

Health, Inspiration | 0 comments

Written by Rosalynn Hamilton

August 2, 2020

Wellness is in the Balance


Our bodies were designed to rest and digest, or to be prepared to fight, freeze, or flight. Humans are not born for the fight in the wild. We do not have claws, or thick skin, or any other advantage that other animals have over us. But we do have our minds! Our minds help us prepare and thrive in this world. We also have our senses and our hormones.


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There are multiple hormones in the body and systems that regulate the hormones. The systems that are most referenced when we talk about responding to our environment are the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.  The parasympathetic system is what our bodies use to rest, eat, digest, and relax. We use the sympathetic system when we feel that there is a threat and we need to freeze, fight, or run away. These systems were the reason why we have endured and advanced without being eaten in this world. The problem is that they have stayed the same as we have adapted to a new world.


We live in a fast-paced world. The modern advancements have made it possible to stay connected to people who live far away, to have food readily available, and to give us instant reactions. Humans who live in the industrialized, or modern world, no longer have hunt or gather for food. We are generally safe. Our fight or flight response from the past should be turned off, but it is surging more than ever.

Healthy or Fit is not Wellness

The threat of the outside wilderness is not as severe as in the past. Illnesses can be cured or managed due to our healthcare. Yet, we have plateaued. People in America are sicker and more fragile than in the past. Why is that?

It might be because we follow trends? Our generations follow the next big invention, diet, exercise plan, or lifestyle change. We join gyms, studios, spas and hire personal trainers. These are all great things and should be done, especially if enjoyed. However, this is not all. We follow a time-ridged life where we are awakened by an alarm, rush to make a living, rush to home or some sort of after activity, increase our heart rates and deal with everyday stress.

Our lives appear to spend more time now in the sympathetic “fight, flight, freeze” mode than in the past. We see threats everywhere and are constantly on edge. This constant state of the sympathetic nervous system causes dis-ease throughout our body.





How to find the Balance?

Everyone is different. People handle the situations that come our way differently. Yet, the common thread is the balance. Our mind, body and spirit must be in balance for real wellness. Yes, we need the exercise, food, and lifestyle changes. However, we must learn to slow down, heal, rest, and reflect. This allows our mind and spirit to catch up.

 There are many disorders and diseases that arise from our mind and spirit. This is true in both modern medicine and Traditional therapies. It is up to us to get the right treatment to move from health to wellness. True wellness can only be achieved when all are in balance.


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