The Year of Revealing

Inspiration, Health | 0 comments

Written by Rosalynn Hamilton

October 13, 2020

The Year of Revealing



Things happen. Sometimes the outcome is beneficial, but other times the outcome appears to worsen what is happening in your life. I guess that is an explanation behind the “secret” of life. Basically, what you think continues to happen, so think positively to benefit yourself.



The Year 2020

Most of us have seen this happen in the year 2020. Everyone wants you to believe that this year is horrible. It is described this way on the media, social media and in most conversations. We look at 2020 as something that needs to end now because it looks different from what we are used to. But maybe that is the point? Maybe 2020 was given to us differently so that we can view things differently?


The Year is What You Make It

Every year has been a turning point for me (at least in my mind). However, there are no years that have come into my life as 2020 has. I decided at the end of 2019 that this year was going to be better than the last. New Year’s Day proved that my “great year” may not be so much. It was then that I learned that it is not what the year brings, but how I handle what the year brings.

This year I learned to sit still, listen and be patient. Patience… Patience in what my life will bring. It may not be pleasant. Well, most of this year has been the opposite of pleasant. But it will be meant for me and I am going through everything that is happening because it is meant to happen. This thinking has led me to understand my purpose.


Purpose and Life

I wanted to write a deep and enlightening blog on finding your purpose, but life got in the way. During this “life happening” I learned that purpose is more than a job. It is the reason why we are here. I feel as though I will be complete if I am living and working in my purpose. Yet, this is not so simple, or it may be even simpler? 2020 has taught me that our purpose lives in our careers, but also in our social life, spiritual life and in how we interact with family and friends. Our purpose may not give us all the money that we need. It may not lead us to “never having to work” again. But it will help us find contentment.

We have multiple purposes. There are many ideas and plans that are placed into our minds and hearts to lead us in the direction of our purpose. We may have had dreams of where we are to go and who we are to be as children. However, sometimes those dreams became lost or deferred based on our own circumstances.


Our Purpose is Seeded in Our Youth

As a young child, I knew that I was a healer. I also knew that I was creative and enjoyed education. So, as stated in earlier blogs I followed the path that leads to being in the medical field. After walking away (multiple times) I have geared back on track to my dream of youth, but that dream was not complete. The years in training and working as a medical professional has cultivated my purpose. It was not until I had the lessons, difficulties and had to learn patience that I have learned what my true passion and purpose is.


My Purpose

My purpose is to help people become true to themselves medically. I am happy helping people take control over their own health and to guide them to living their best. This is a very generic saying, but it is true. However, what makes me happy is reproductive health. I have the desire, the skills, and the knowledge to help with sexual health, men’s health, women’s health, and fertility. While it is not proper, it is who I am and what gives me purpose.

I am still learning how this will play out. The world continues to change and we all must change with it. A huge lesson learned from this year is that our time here on Earth is limited. Do I want to continue on a path because it’s stable? Or do I try to pursue some of the desires of my heart?



2020 has allowed people to re-evaluate their lives and to think about what is important. Some view this year as horrible because of the stress that it has caused them. Others see the opportunities and are excited about the future. The way you view it determines your outcome. It is my wish for you to look at your purpose and work towards fulfilling it.



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