The Unpaved Path

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Written by Rosalynn Hamilton

July 5, 2020

The Unpaved Path

We have grown up to move in accordance with the world. First, early schooling leads to friendship and some form of education. Then, you are expected to continue the road traveled by most to have a family, get a job, and live out the rest of your life until your last breath.

My Early Years

My early years were spent as a young southern black woman in the United States. I was raised Missionary Baptist. As a child, I spent many hours and days congregating with my family and church family there. I attended school and achieved good grades. I, also, was active in multiple clubs and activities out of schooling. The next step was to take the PSATs, ACTs, the SATs, and the ASVAB to secure a life determined by all before me. I attended two prestigious Universities and continued the highway of life eventually getting married and maintaining a good job.


The Highway

The Highway of life has multiple exits, dead ends, and paths. Some exits occur due to poor choices or reactions to negative outcomes. These exits can allow you to re-enter or can lead to a dead end. People, the good ones in your life, try to warn you about those exits. Whether it is unsafe practices in going out, staying safe in any situation, or even experimenting with substances that mean you harm. But other exits are not discussed or entertained. You are expected to stay on the highway that was paved. No one tells you that there are times that the highway can be just as dangerous as some of the exits. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to take the unpaved path.

The Unpaved Path

The unpaved path may have bumps and holes. It may lead to dark days and lonely nights. It may, also, lead to the joy and complete feeling that is missing from your life. The unpaved path is not taken by most. Some regret taking it, but it is the best decision for others. This path may include not getting married, or having children, or going to school. It may include learning a trade, getting multiple degrees, or starting your own business. However, going down the the unpaved path includes changing your mind and completely changing the path that you thought you should be on. Your life is yours to live. You will have to deal with every decision and consequence that you make, but it does not define you. You can always change. Only you should decide if how you are living is right for you.

My Path

I have always known, deep down, my purpose. From a young child I knew that I was meant to be a healer. A healer in America in the 80’s and 90’s was a Doctor or another person in the medical field. So, my path on the highway was chosen. The highway of life led me in that direction. But, amid all of that, I knew that I was meant for something a little different. So, I attended school. I did the steps. As life continued to unfold, I found other ways to health. I changed course and continued down the highway. But sometimes God places something in your life that you cannot explain or leave behind. So, I took the unpaved road.

Going Unpaved

My unpaved road included getting a divorce, moving across country (twice), and is continuing to lead me today. This path is scary and exhilarating at the same time. There is no guarantee that what I am doing is going to make my life better or worse, but the feeling of moving down this path feels true. I have come to realize that all things are connected. Everything that I have gone through and all the decisions I have made have led me to this moment.

Down my unpaved path I have learned that I am everything I need. I have learned that I am equipped with everything for not just survival, but excellence. This path allows me to put my faith in God. To believe in my purpose and to fulfill it. This path is now leading me to wholeness and wellness. I have come to realize that my life and my occupation can be the same. That I do not have to sacrifice my desires for society.

The Time for the Unpaved Path

This time in our lives we all are standing still. We are waiting for a return to our old lives. We are fighting to keep some sense of normalcy. But what if our normalcy was not normal? What if the highway needed to be repaired? That we are being specifically taken off the highway to be placed on our own unpaved roads to be able to live the lives that we were meant to live? Or, the world itself just needed a rest and you can return to the highway soon? Remember, if things do not seem to be going well, or the way you feel they should, then you can always take the next exit on the unpaved path.



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