One Size Does Not Fit All

Health | 2 comments

Written by Rosalynn Hamilton

August 14, 2020

One Size Does Not Fit All

It seems that there is always some “new” craze every few months. Some plant, food, way of eating, exercise or lifestyle that will cure everything and allow you to be everything you hope to be. For example, some believe that the cure for cancer was found decades ago. But also, this year. How can kale be the perfect food when avocado, no quinoa… no sea moss is it?


Listening to the world would lead you to believe that we are supposed to be vegan paleo keto eating people who workout strenuously at an easy pace. There is a belief for everything and a following behind it all. This leads to cults who preach that their way is the only way. But is it?

Who to follow? Who to trust when all you want to be is healthy and there is so much information that moves all over the place? The answer is simple. It is yourself. However, this is not as easy as it may seem.

The Blueprint

We are all humans. There are certain traits, habits and attributes that make us who we are. For instance, we have a heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and spleen (as well as other organs). There is a vision of what humans look like and our habits. All over the world we are the same. Yet, we are quite different.






Periods of time, cultures and professions all have their own definition what is generally called your essence. Traditional Chinese medicine identifies essence as Jing. The Yoruba and other African tribes may identify with essence as Ase. Christianity may view essence as spirit. It has been called life force and many other names. It is what makes us who we are and is the reason why we are living. What is it about our essence that changes things?

Our essence makes us unique. It includes our DNA and the epigenetics of our DNA. For instance, the A, B, O blood type is contributed from both parents at conception. We can not accept blood, organs or body fluids that are not compatible with our own body. This is only one of the many differences found in our genes. So, if one size does not fit all for these, how can there be one great thing for everyone?


The truth is that we all need nourishment and we all need mobility. We need the things that help us become healthy and live longer. However, what is good for you may not be good for me. Therefore, people become sick and weak, or gain weight, following diets that are restrictive and limiting to different nutrients.


Following a diet may cause the opposite effect that you are looking for. The exercises that you do may lead to undesirable changes. The teas, drinks and new food fads may lead to sickness and flares from allergies that you did not have before. So, what should be done? Who do you trust?


Trust Yourself

The best person to trust is yourself. You know what you need and what is best for you. But you must listen to yourself. Many people ignore warning signs that what they are doing is harmful for them. A small allergy of itching or a rash may soon lead to anaphylaxis (not being able to breathe) because of a reluctance to pay attention to the cues being given.


Trust a Practitioner

Another person to trust in your path to a healthy life is a person who is trained and familiar with health. You should never trust your health to a fad or the newest craze. The best help you can get is a practitioner who will sit down with you, listen to your concerns and desires, pay attention to your body, and design a plan for you.

In conclusion, we are all unique. We need the same things, but it may not be the exact same thing. The best way to live your healthiest life is to follow your body and to adjust your life accordingly. Please do not drink, eat, or put anything in different bodily openings because of what’s trending! You may feel better, but it most likely will not help and sometimes could even harm you.


  1. Kasey

    Beautifully stated!!!

    • Rosalynn Hamilton

      Thank you! It’s important to understand that you are given the clues to your life and that there are people who can help you to achieve your healthiest goals.


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