What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture uses very fine needles, seeds, pressure, electricity, and lasers to clear your body’s external channels and allow free movement of your personal energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used the word Qi (pronounced Chi) to explain the energy or life force that circulates through our bodies. Qi has been found to move freely in and out of the body. It helps to regulate blood, organs and other bodily fluids. This energy can become blocked physically, mentally and emotionally. The use of acupuncture helps to relieve theses blockages to return to a state of healing.
What can it Treat?
Acupuncture can be used for general wellness as well as to help with a multitude of conditions. Some of the treatments include:
- Pain
- Chronic Conditions
- Fatigue
- Emotions and Stress
- Fertility
- Addictions
What Should I Expect?
The first treatment for TCM involves a thorough consultation and exam. The exam will determine the natural conditions that should be addressed with priority going to your primary concern. This exam includes a tongue and pulse diagnosis. After the exam you will be placed in a comfortable position and the recommended therapy will begin.
Acupuncture needles generally do not cause pain. You may have a tingling or dull sensation to the area of treatment. The needles are then kept in place with some re-activating or changing during your treatment. The treatment may last from a few minutes to an hour or longer if needed.
People usually feel relaxed after treatment. There may be immediate change, or it may take several days for you to notice a difference. Acupuncture works like many other therapies in that you should expect to need multiple treatments for your condition. Generally, the longer you have had the injury or condition the longer the treatment schedule.
What Do You Offer?
Gentle Rose offers traditional acupuncture, acupressure, auricular acupuncture, and electro-acupuncture at this time. Acu-point injections are also available for a jump start on your condition. All forms can be used to help you clear your qi and move forward in your path to wellness.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture uses very fine needles, pressure, electricity, and lasers to clear your body’s external channels and allow free movement of your personal energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used the word Qi (pronounced Chi) to explain the energy or life force that circulates through our bodies. Qi has been found to move freely in and out of the body. It helps to regulate blood, organs and other bodily fluids. This energy can become blocked physically, mentally and emotionally. The use of acupuncture helps to relieve theses blockages to return to a state of healing.
What Can It Treat?
Acupuncture can be used for general wellness as well as to help with a multitude of conditions. Some of the treatments include:
- Pain
- Chronic Conditions
- Fatigue
- Emotions
- Fertility
- Addictions
What Should I Expect?
The first treatment for TCM involves a thorough consultation and exam. The exam will determine the natural conditions that should be addressed with priority going to your primary concern. This exam includes a tongue and pulse diagnosis. After the exam you will be placed in a comfortable position and the recommended therapy will begin.
Acupuncture needles generally do not cause pain. You may have a tingling or dull sensation to the area of treatment. The needles are then kept in place with some re-activating or changing during your treatment. The treatment may last from a few minutes to an hour or longer if needed.
People usually feel relaxed after treatment. There may be immediate change, or it may take several days for you to notice a difference. Acupuncture works like many other therapies in that you should expect to need multiple treatments for your condition. Generally, the longer you have had the injury or condition the longer the treatment schedule.
What Do You Offer?
Gentle Rose offers traditional acupuncture, acupressure, auricular acupuncture, and electro-acupuncture at this time. Acu-point injections are also available for a jump start on your condition. All forms can be used to help you clear your qi and move forward in your path to wellness.